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Product Features
Use your Tag Reader to bring this classic story to life as Sam-I-Am tries to convince his friend to try Green Eggs and Ham
The Tag Reader makes learning to read an exciting experience as words talk, pictures sing and stories live out loud
The Tag library includes more than 20 books and games featuring characters from TV, movies and classic tales
Children can build vocabulary and reading skills throughout the story and with interactive learning activities
Green Eggs and Ham introduces character exploration, critical thinking skills, rhyming and memory skills
Children can earn online rewards and parents can connect the Tag Reader to the online LeapFrog Learning Path
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Product Description
From the Manufacturer
Use your Tag Reader to bring this story to life. Persistent Sam-I-Am will try every wild and crazy manner of introducing Green Eggs and Ham to his friend in the hopes of convincing him that he will like the dish. He’ll try presenting it here or there, in a box, with a fox and in so many other ways. After the story, play learning activities that help build vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. Children can earn online rewards and parents can connect the Tag Reader to the online LeapFrog Learning Path to see what their child is playing and learning. Appropriate for children ages 4 to 7.
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